DRY (1) ECMA6 (1) Elgato (1) JavaScript (1) Rails (1) RoR (1) Streamdeck (1) TypeScript (1) VueJS (1) accessibility (1) artificial-intelligence (1) asdf (1) aws (1) blog (2) blogging (1) books (1) certifications (1) ci/cd (1) cloud (1) cloud-computing (1) code-snippet (1) coding (1) competition (1) confidence (1) dev-containers (1) developer-experience (1) developers (3) development (1) devops (1) devx (1) digital-nomad (1) docker (1) domains (2) education (1) email (1) emails (1) emojis (1) exam (1) experiences (1) externalization (1) fonts (1) git (3) github (2) gmail (1) google (1) growth (1) hobby (1) inbox (1) inbox-zero (1) issue-embed (1) jasmine (1) javascript (5) jekyll (1) jest (1) job-hunting (1) karma (1) launch (2) learning (1) machine-learning (1) musing (1) performance (1) personal-projects (3) photography (1) podcasts (1) presentation (1) productivity (15) project (6) projects (4) resume (1) ruby-on-rails (1) self-development (1) side-projects (3) source-control (1) tdd (1) test-driven-development (1) testing (6) training (1) unit-testing (1) vagrant (1)

 DRY (1)

Externalizing Strings in Rails

 ECMA6 (1)

Schema Comparison

 Elgato (1)

Elgato Streamdeck worth it for programmers?

 JavaScript (1)

Commit Comp

 Rails (1)

Externalizing Strings in Rails

 RoR (1)

Externalizing Strings in Rails

 Streamdeck (1)

Elgato Streamdeck worth it for programmers?

 TypeScript (1)

Commit Comp

 VueJS (1)

Commit Comp

 accessibility (1)

Font Readability

 artificial-intelligence (1)


 asdf (1)


 aws (1)

AWS Associate Architect

 blog (2)

I lost my domain
Hello World

 blogging (1)

I lost my domain

 books (1)

Books I plan to read in 2023

 certifications (1)

AWS Associate Architect

 ci/cd (1)

My experiences with CI/CD

 cloud (1)

AWS Associate Architect

 cloud-computing (1)

AWS Associate Architect

 code-snippet (1)

Making Demo GIF's

 coding (1)

Code Shame

 competition (1)

Commit Comp

 confidence (1)

Code Shame

 dev-containers (1)


 developer-experience (1)


 developers (3)

Setting developer up for failure
Code Shame

 development (1)

Code Shame

 devops (1)

My experiences with CI/CD

 devx (1)


 digital-nomad (1)

Digital Nomad Experiment

 docker (1)


 domains (2)

I lost my domain
3AM Domains

 education (1)

Books I plan to read in 2023

 email (1)

How I manage my emails

 emails (1)

How I manage my emails

 emojis (1)

Emojis in your git

 exam (1)

AWS Associate Architect

 experiences (1)

Digital Nomad Experiment

 externalization (1)

Externalizing Strings in Rails

 fonts (1)

Font Readability

 git (3)

Code Shame
Emojis in your git
Managing your resume by git

 github (2)

Code Shame
Commit Comp

 gmail (1)

How I manage my emails

 google (1)

How I manage my emails

 growth (1)

Code Shame

 hobby (1)


 inbox (1)

How I manage my emails

 inbox-zero (1)

How I manage my emails

 issue-embed (1)


 jasmine (1)

Introduction to Jasmine and Karma

 javascript (5)

Fit on a Floppy
Multiline JavaScript Converter
Introduction to Jasmine and Karma
Schema Comparison
CMD Resume

 jekyll (1)

Hello World

 jest (1)

Schema Comparison

 job-hunting (1)

Managing your resume by git

 karma (1)

Introduction to Jasmine and Karma

 launch (2)

YT Binge

 learning (1)

Books I plan to read in 2023

 machine-learning (1)


 musing (1)

3AM Domains

 performance (1)

Fit on a Floppy

 personal-projects (3)

Why my side projects have tests
Knowing when to stop a personal project

 photography (1)


 podcasts (1)

Podcasts I listen to

 presentation (1)

Making Demo GIF's

 productivity (15)

Setting developer up for failure
How I manage my emails
Code Shame
My experiences with CI/CD
My experiences with CI/CD
Knowing when to stop a personal project
Staying Focused on Projects
Fit on a Floppy
Multiline JavaScript Converter
3AM Domains
Emojis in your git
Digital Nomad Experiment
Elgato Streamdeck worth it for programmers?

 project (6)

YT Binge
Fit on a Floppy
Multiline JavaScript Converter
Commit Comp
CMD Resume

 projects (4)

My experiences with CI/CD
Knowing when to stop a personal project
Staying Focused on Projects

 resume (1)

Managing your resume by git

 ruby-on-rails (1)

Externalizing Strings in Rails

 self-development (1)

Books I plan to read in 2023

 side-projects (3)

Why my side projects have tests
Knowing when to stop a personal project

 source-control (1)

Code Shame

 tdd (1)

Test Driven Development

 test-driven-development (1)

Test Driven Development

 testing (6)

Why my side projects have tests
Multiline JavaScript Converter
Introduction to Jasmine and Karma
Schema Comparison
CMD Resume
Test Driven Development

 training (1)

Books I plan to read in 2023

 unit-testing (1)

Introduction to Jasmine and Karma

 vagrant (1)